Upcoming and Available Litters

    We have been breeding for 6 years with exceptional offspring having resulted.  Breeding pairs are carefully selected based on several criteria, including, but not limited to; health and disease resistance, temperament with humans as well as other rats, pedigree and lines, conformation, and overall desirability.  Most animals come from carefully researched and selected backgrounds, however breeding may occasionally be done from an animal of unknown background.  I have found that some of the best rats have been from such sources.  In these cases, animals are carefully observed for the above qualities, and then crossed with an animal of a known and reliable background.
    We do not "reserve" specific types or kittens before they are 3-4 weeks old, as we can not predict the future and guarantee animals of a certain type.  We do, however, take a list of interested parties, and those on the list will be given first access to the litters on a first come first serve basis.  No one is held in a binding contract to take a kitten, however, if what you were looking for is not available.  We would highly recommend adding your name to one such list if you are interested, as some breeding may be canceled or changed based on the amount of interest in that litter.  You can contact us at riverrats_@hotmail.com
    We do ask for a signed adoption contract from anyone who adopts one of our animals.  Adoption fees and a copy of the adoption contract are available upon request.  RiverRats Rattery also reserves the right to refuse adoption if our requirements are not met, or if the home is found to be unsatisfactory. Thank you for your interest in RiverRats Rattery.

Planned litters for Spring of 2005:

There are no current RiverRats Litters. Please check back for more details. <

Planned Litters For Summer/Fall of 2005 :

Check back for future information


 This page and all other RiverRats pages are purely for the enjoyment of Cait's hobby in the rat fancy.  Please do not duplicate any material on this or any other RiverRats Page without permission from the authors.  Thank you for your cooperation.